Mittwoch, 21. September 2016

Russia and its icons - A statue for Putin., Russia a threat for democracy

More and more Putin-statues are revealed in Russia. The emperor of a failed states, nevertheless, that he disagrees with the tendency to call mountains and streets with respect to him.

The question, however, remains: Does the forging of icons help our democracies? A question that becomes more and more irrelevant for Russia.

Dienstag, 20. September 2016

Die Gleichgewichte der Natur

Die Einführung von Wölfen korrigiert das gesamte Landschaftsbild. Angefangen mit der Veränderung des Wilds, regeniriert sich die Flora und Fauna und Flüsse nehmen andere Formen an.

The introduction of wolves corrects the complete shape of a landscape. First wildlife is reduced, second wildlife will change its feeding patterns, third vegetation will regrow, and trees can grow, fourth trees will change the water balances in the ecosystem and effect the shape of the landscape.,animals

Sonntag, 24. Juli 2016

Die Macht der Kränkung - Amok? Engineers of Jihad, das Problem mit Hypokratie

Montag, 18. Januar 2016

Körperliche Züchtigung